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How we help people and society

The European Center for Whistleblower Rights works to preserve the safety and well-being of people who have inside information about crime and corruption. Employees and citizens who have such information can be at risk: they have evidence that criminals are trying to cover up. Disclosing evidence can put criminals in legal jeopardy, and they will go to great lengths – purely out of their own self-interest – to ensure this evidence remains hidden.


Our job is to correct the power imbalance and even the playing field. We are dedicated to ensuring you can report misconduct and public health dangers while limiting your exposure to negative consequences. We will treat your case with the highest level of the professionalism, patience, discretion and individual attention.

Support for whistleblowers and citizens

It is an unfortunate reality that whistleblowers are very susceptible to threats and retaliation. In our society, power imbalances place individual citizens at a great disadvantage in comparison to large companies, powerful business people and entrenched politicians – especially if they are corrupt.


You can send us evidence or information about crime or corruption, and we will fully protect your confidentiality. If you are a whistleblower, we will investigate your case, advocate for your rights, and help you to stay safe. Our staff and partners have helped hundreds of employees and citizens over the past 35 years.


We are highly trusted by the media, legal professionals and the anti-corruption community. We have helped many people avoid harm to their career, their financial well-being and their personal life. We are here to help.


Support for activists and NGOs​

The European Center for Whistleblower Rights is a hands-on, grassroots activism organization that engages directly in whistleblower cases by investigating disclosures, fighting for whistleblowers’ rights, and working with the media to expose crime and corruption. Like whistleblowing itself, our campaigns aim for results.


With our assistance and support, our activism partners have carried out successful, high-profile campaigns and initiatives that have made a real difference in the lives of people across Europe. At the same tine, our staff and partners have led or supported the successful passage of more than 10 whistleblower protection laws in Europe. These laws are now giving legal tools to citizens to report corruption and avoid reprisals.


If you are an activist – whether independent working for an NGO – we can help you launch campaigns to investigate whistleblower cases, strengthen whistleblower rights, build coalitions, achieve media coverage and raise funds. We can help you design and carry out successful campaigns that will achieve concrete impacts – for the benefit of citizens, your society and your country.


We work relentlessly to ensure corrupt politicians, company executives, environmental polluters and other criminals are held responsible for their crimes. We work to hold them accountable if they retaliate against employee and citizen whistleblowers.


We refuse to be intimidated, and we do not back down. Our allegiance is with people who take risks that others do not, by exposing crime and corruption despite the personal perils. By standing alongside these heroes, we form a united front against criminal elements. We can help you develop the tools and resources to fight back – and win.


Support for journalists and media

​If you are a journalist, we can help you investigate whistleblower cases, present compelling stories to the public, protect the identity of sensitive sources and mitigate your risks. Our activists, investigators and journalists have partnered with many newspapers, TV and radio stations, and citizen journalists throughout Europe.


Our articles and investigations have had major impacts across Europe, including:

  • the reinstatement of two whistleblowers who helped topple a corrupt prime minister,

  • the resignation of a high-profile international judge who lacked the required qualifications,

  • the dropping of phony criminal charges filed as retaliation against whistleblowers in two separate cases,

  • exposing how the UK’s whistleblower protection law actually invites retaliation and punishes whistleblowers, and

  • how every public whistleblower in Germany over the past 20 has been fired, sued, harassed, prosecuted, investigated for treason, publicly slandered, reportedly poisoned or raided by the police.


We can work with you to break impactful information based on whistleblower disclosures that exposed company crimes and political corruption.


Assistance to policy-makers and public officials​

Our staff have advised and assisted parliament members, justice ministers and anti-corruption officials in nearly every European country, as well as officials at the EU, UN, OECD, OSCE and Council of Europe. We have helped develop whistleblower laws and policies, set up and monitored whistleblower protection systems, trained and coached anti-corruption and human rights officials, and conducted research for public agencies. Our research has exposed weak whistleblowers systems in many countries, including the UK.


If you are a policymaker, we can help you develop laws, policies and practices that will deliver the best outcomes of whistleblower disclosures and investigations. We can help you protect your citizens and ensure their reports lead to enforcement and corrective actions.


If you are a public official, we can train your managers and staff in the best practices for whistleblower protection, investigations and case management. We have provided in-person and online training and coaching to officials in more than 15 European countries. Our training programs are practical, plain-spoken, interactive and results oriented. Contact us for a preview.


Building public awareness and appreciation​

Despite their enormous contributions to the common good, we understand that whistleblowers still can be misperceived and mistrusted. We continuously work to educate and inform the general public about the indispensable value of citizens revealed evidence of hidden crimes.


We publicize cases in which lives were saved, stolen public funds were recovered, corrupt politicians were prosecuted, and crooked business executives were jailed – all thanks to employees and citizens were brave enough to expose their misdeeds. We aggressively combat “fake news” about whistleblowers that questions their motives, attacks their character and smears their reputation.


We partner with journalists, utilize social media, participate in public forums, and public articles, reports and other resources that chronicle the priceless value of citizens who take the job of crime-fighting into their own hands. They are heroes to be honored.

Activists & NGOs
Public awareness

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